Thank You

The month of May marks the completion of Kingdom Bridges first year of ministry. If we were to highlight all the activities of the first year of ministry we would need to write a book. It was fitting that we spent our anniversary month on the field ministering in Ukraine and Moldova. Pastor Jeff has spent over 100 days in Ukraine and Moldova. There were two moments on the trip that brought home the reality how our ministry is making a difference. We gathered a group of leaders together for a luncheon to discuss how we can take care of the growing numbers of orphans and abandoned children in the war zones. Around the table were Pastors, Foster Parents, Social Workers, Political Leaders, along with several NGO’s represented. Each one gave us their perspective on the situation. We are seeking to build a coalition that can care for thousands of children impacted in the war zones. It was a special gathering of people who risk their lives to take of the needs of children living in the war zones.

As we went around the table we came to a family who came from a city where much of the worst bombing is taking place. They chose to stay to minister to thousands of people who can’t get out. The deal with shelling daily, some days it is non-stop. The day before a bomb landing in the center of a busy market killing nine people who were out getting essential items they needed to survive. They told of us of the situation in their city. The numbers of children, elderly, and sick they pick up to take to their place of refuge. They have been fired upon, had to dodge bombs and bullets. They operate a large center of relief offering refuge to thousands in Jesus name. The ministry center is supported by funds given through Kingdom Bridges with our Serve Ukraine bridge.

Following their description of the situation they moved into a tearful thank you to all who support Kingdom Bridges. There was not a dry in the room as all felt the gravity of the moment. They came from a hot war zone to make sure they could tell us thank you. Below is a video of the thank you. The first voice in their native is the thank you, then following is the translation.

Another Powerful Thank You

Following the meeting we traveled to a small town far away from the war zone but felt the sting of death and destruction in the Summer of 2022. A Russian missile hit a high rise residential building in the middle of the night. The powerful missile crumbled the building in a matter of seconds, over nine stories full of innocent sleeping souls. In matter of seconds over over 25 people were killed, including children and many more hurt. One of our Kingdom Bridges partners lived in the apartments next door. He was awakened by flying glass as his building recoiled from the explosion. He ran to the explosion pulling out people, ministering to their needs. He operates another of our ministry centers that ministers to hundreds of hurting people. Your support of Kingdom Bridges provided doors and windows to surrounding buildings impacted by the blast. In the video below you see another grateful Pastor expressing gratitude for your giving and prayers.

You are making a difference

These are but two of over thirty ministry centers we support in Ukraine. There are many months that around 50,000 people come through these places of refuge. People receive food, blankets, a place to rest and most of all experience the love of Jesus. We can’t do this without you. You are making a powerful impact in Ukraine and Moldova. We depend on your support every month to keep these ministry centers open and ministering to the masses of people suffering through the war. Keep the in your prayers and we ask you consider making a reoccurring monthly donation or one time gift to support these heroes of our faith, who are ministering in Jesus name.

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